How to Dress Like Chloe Price

Life Is Strange Chloe Price Costume

Complete Guide of Life Is Strange Chloe Price Costume

All the Life Is strange video game fans around, brace yourself as we unveil this guide to represent your next cosplay convention, Chloe Price.  Chloe Price is the lead character in the popular graphic adventure video game Life Is strange video game published by Square Enix. This headstrong and rebellious punk rocker character of Chloe price is best friends with Max Caulfield since childhood who once saved her life after discovering the ability to travel in between times.

Being one of the most popular characters of Life Is strange video game she has own sense of style that showcases her personality in an exact manner. It starts with this.

Chloe Price Jacket

Chloe Price Jacket

Brace your hearts in Life Is strange video game fans as we present you with this flawless and amazingly gorgeous replica of the jacket worn by Chloe Price in Life Is strange video game. This classy and chic brown jacket is made of leather and comes with inner viscose lining. With the detail designing, this jacket comes with Shoulder epaulets, Full and slim styled sleeves and shirt style color. This jacket is a treat for all the gamers out there who are unable to resist the temptation to dress like Chloe Price.

Beanie Cap

Beanie Cap

Chloe price is seen wearing this beanie cap on her electric blue hair. This dark navy blue hat is soft knit and compliments the overall persona of Chloe Price, especially her blue hair.

Chloe Price Wig

Chloe price is seen wearing this beanie cap on her electric blue hair. This dark navy blue hat is soft knit and compliments the overall persona of Chloe Price, especially her blue hair.

Chloe price tank

Chloe price tank

This tank top goes straight with rebellious and stubborn personality of Chloe Price, and it highlights her persona.

Tattoo Arm Sleeves

Tattoo Arm Sleeves

Stubborn rock punk persona without tattoos is actually not possible. Get this tattoo arm sleeves to add authenticity to your Chloe Price costume.



To get an authentic Chloe price rebellious look get these suspenders for your Chloe price costume



These faded jeans are purposely made to give you high captivating nearness to the Chloe Price costume and to gleams up your identity from others in the party. This jeans is manufactured with high diligence and stitched with artistic hands to give you best results in terms of your appearance and comfort with your Chloe Price costume. When you are done with being her, this jeans’ extravagant supple looks will go with any other outfit as well.

Riding Boot

Riding Boot

These long boots made with Synthetic material and a sole and comes with Cuffed Knee Boot straps and octopus buckles. Sounds interesting eh? Get this final accessory of your Chloe price costume and turn yourself in to the favorite character of yours for a day.

Choker Necklace

Choker Necklace

Add to your Chloe price costume with these accessories that contains a chocker, which is in trends now a days and hair ties to keep your electric blue wig at its place.

Each and every item described above will contribute in you dressing up in Chloe Price costume. Get the look of this rebellious, headstrong rock punk and rock the partayy!

Life Is Strange Chloe Price Costume Guide